SAINT GABRIEL HOURS The Good News: Praying with Christ Every Day. Anytime. Anywhere. W ith Anyone. MONDAY EVENING PRAYER TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 30 PSALTER WEEK II _____________________________________________________ VIRTUAL RESOURCES Virtual resources provide more than the dry bones of the liturgical text. They celebrate the Hours with sounds and images. Most importantly they provide community, both community with those who produced the sounds and images, and community with those who celebrate the Hours with the same sounds and images at various times and places. This website contains t wo posts per day. one for Morning Prayer and one for Evening Prayer. The post for each hour contains both a link (DivineOffice.org) with the complete text of the Hour recited by a small group, and a link (SingtheHours.org) with the complete sung text of the Hour, mostly by a single cantor. By clinking on either of these two links yo...