SAINT GABRIEL HOURS The Good News: Praying with Christ Every Day. Anytime. Anywhere. W ith Anyone. THURSDAY MORNING PRAYER SECOND WEEK OF LENT FEBRUARY 29 PSALMS OF WEEK II _______________________________________________________ VIRTUAL RESOURCES Virtual resources provide more than the dry bones of the liturgical text. They celebrate the Hours with sounds and images. Most importantly they provide community, both community with those who produced the sounds and images, and community with those who celebrate the Hours with the same sounds and images at various times and places. There are two posts per day. one for Morning Prayer and one for Evening Prayer. Each includes: Both a recitation-in-common YouTube site and a completely sung YouTube site having complete texts. Two additional YouTube alternatives for the beginning Hymn. YouTube alternatives for each of two psalms for each Hour. Links to Longer Reading Options rather than the Short Reading. YouTube v...